Email: Phone:(415)680-3535

Exeo Purpose

Life Coach

Coaching 1 on 1

Connie Iglesias works with the client as a unique person with specific goals and is tailored to help.

Young mom working at laptop, daughter interfering

Full Time Family Life, and Full Time Career

Do you have a full life?  Maybe a husband, a kid or 3 and a full-time job outside of the home?  Do you feel like you have two full time jobs, one for each half of a day? 

Time Zone: 5PM PST

Guest Speaker: N/A

Course Duration: 2 Weeks

spiritual development and mental health, psychological trauma and treatment with a psychologist

Mental Health Dental Health- you’ve got them both!!

Let’s work together to focus on your mindset to help you live in positive mental health.  You take care of your teeth, because you don’t want a negative review from the dentist and all the trouble the follows that.  

Time Zone: 5PM PST

Guest Speaker: N/A

Course Duration: 2 Weeks

Getting into your teen’s world.

Are you in uncharted waters with your teen?  Do you feel like it was yesterday when your son or daughter was eager to get a Starbucks with you and tell you all about their life, friends, fears or updates, but today, you find it hard to nail them down for a meal?  Welcome to true adulthood and being a parent of a teen.  In this course we will address the developmental stage of teens, your adaptation to the transition of being a parent to a teen and we will discuss practical ways to enter your teens world.

Time Zone: 5PM PST

Guest Speaker: N/A

Course Duration: 2 Weeks

The gift of NO.

Do you have strong boundaries and find yourself isolated?  Are you so flexible and ready to say YES even when you are exhausted?  Do you say yes when you mean no? 

Time Zone: 5PM PST

Guest Speaker: N/A

Course Duration: 2 Weeks

Family having a quarrel

Parenting through divorce or separation

Are you a single parent?  Do you share custody, life decisions and your children’s future with your former spouse?  If you do, you know that there are dynamics and delicate issues that need to be addressed with compassion, competence and wisdom. 

Time Zone: 5PM PST

Guest Speaker: N/A

Course Duration: 3 Weeks